Sometimes our bodies need a boost to help get us on track — especially as life starts to take a toll on us (am I the only one still recovering from the holiday season?). That’s where a good old-fashioned detox or smoothie cleanse comes into play. Whether you want to lose weight, flush toxins from the body, detoxify, increase energy, reduce your disease risk, or all of the above, a cleanse can help you reach your health goals. The term “detoxing” or “cleanse” usually refers to a period of 3–10 days when a person’s diet consists mainly of fruits, vegetables and lean protein.


Known for being free of preservatives, artificial colors, artificial flavors, and chemicals, you can try your hand at our Smoothies & Detox Waters. Our 100% all natural “Smoothies & Detox Waters” puts the emphasis on detoxifying the body front the inside out, rebuilding of the digestive system, liver and kidneys, as well as providing your body with energy. So not only are you cleansing your body, you’re preparing it to enter a new season of healthy choices


Okay, smoothie & detox cleanses aren’t for everyone. That’s why QCumber Infusion made a solve for that.

  • The Detox Plan is a vegan cleanse, comprised of organic fruit and veggie smoothies and our Alkaline Detox water is infused with fresh cucumbers, fruits and herbs. Our plan allows you to enjoy healthy snacks throughout the day as well as a healthy lunch and sensible dinner.

  • You read that right: snacks. Geared towards those living active lifestyles, the plan was created to make clean eating easy for those working long hours with satisfying breakfasts, light lunches, tasty snacks, and nourishing dinners.